Facts and Figures
Wanne-Herner Eisenbahn und Hafen GmbH (WHE)

Track Length 34 km owned network
Locomotives 8 diesel locomotives
Handling facilities crane (12 tons), supply and loading facilities for dry bulk materials, silo for fly ash, deep bunkers, conveyor systems
Port location Rhine-Herne Canal Wanne-Westhafen (North shore) 30.48 km, Wanne-Osthafen (South shore) 31.60 km
Length of berths 420 m (Wanne-Westhafen)
460 m (Wanne-Osthafen)
Loading depth 2,50 m

CTH Container Terminal Herne GmbH (CTH)

Infrastructure area 95.000 m²
5 x 725 m tracks
2 portal cranes
Handling capacity 250.000 loading units per year

Eisenbahn Technik Zentrum Herne GmbH (ETZ)

Shed space 2.000 m² + 2.400 m² external hall / facilities
Side tracks 800 m dedicated; 5 km at WHE infrastructure
Cranes 2 x 10 t, 1 x 5 t
Lifting jacks 4 x 25 t, 8 x 8 t, 8 x 6,5 t, 4 x 10 t mobile